Intensity generated by PEMF devices is perhaps the most crucial requirement to obtain adequate results.  The strength of a magnetic field is generally defined in T (Tesla) or G (Gauss)

  • Gauss [symbol G] named after Carl Friedrich Gauss
  • Tesla [symbol T] named after the scientist Nikola Tesla
  • 1 T = 10.000 G


[su_quote]Some of our competitors love to tell you that high intensity is dangerous! As a point of reference modern M.R.I. (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines develop magnetic field intensities over Three Tesla and that, Ladies and Gentlemen is 30,000 Gauss. All of the Curatron 2000 systems are well below 30,000 Gauss.[/su_quote]


Manufacturers of PEMF devices seem to love to confuse their customers. Some talk about Gauss, some talk about mT (milli-Tesla), μT (micro-Tesla) and yet others use both terms interchangeably to confuse and obfuscate.


  • μ or micro = one millionth
  • m or milli = one thousandth
  • n or nano = one billionth

  • 1 T (Tesla) = 10,000 G
  • 1 mT (milli Tesla) = 10G
  • 1 μT (micro Tesla) = 0.01G
  • 1 nT (nano Tesla) = 0.00001 G

It’s easy to be fooled. I came across one website that compared the Curatron 2000 3D mattress to its own. Their statement went something like this. The Curatron 3D mattress delivers 500 Gauss while ours provides an intensity of 600 micro-Tesla. To the gullible, this makes it sound like 600 micro-Tesla is more than 500 Gauss and nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, 600 micro-Tesla is 6 Gauss or roughly 100 times less powerful than the Curatron. Incidentally, the Curatron 500 G mattress in the 3D system is the highest in the industry for hummer or oscillator systems.

Let’s see why intensity is important


Simple logic tells us that the higher the intensity, the deeper the penetration. One enemy of intensity is the distance from the source and that is governed by the Inverse Square Law which is science speak to tell you that as you double the distance from a source of just about anything in science, then the intensity or power measured drops to one-quarter of its original value

Inverse Square Law
Intensity Distance Intensity
1000 G 1″ 1000 G
1000 G 2″ 250 G
1000 G 4″ 63 G
1000 G 8″ 16 G

So if you are one inch away from a magnetic coil and you measure 100 milli-Tesla (1000 Gauss) then if you measure again at two inches away then you would see 250 milli-Tesla and then if you double that again to four inches then you would measure only 6.25 mT or 65 Gauss. It’s easy to see that one needs a lot of intensity to get full body penetration at reasonable magnetic flux density.

The low-intensity systems such as the IMRS and BEMER start with intensity levels below 10 Gauss. Imagine how low the level becomes a few inches away.



Intensity does something that may not be obvious to the reader. As intensity goes up, the cells react more quickly giving rise to an improved “Speed of Induction” or what most technical folks call ‘slew-rate’ or  ‘rate-of-rise’. The faster the pulses are inducted into the body, the deeper the penetration into the cells and bones and the higher the efficacy. Whatever you call it, higher intensity pemf is more effective than low intensity for all forms of PEMF treatment. Lower intensity generally does not cut it. You can’t lift a car that weighs two tons with only one ton of force. Likewise, to cause a cell to react, you require a certain amount of energy or intensity. When the intensity is too low then the cell does not react.


EFFECT ON OUR BONES (Piezoelectric Effect)

The piezoelectric effect on bone PEMF therapy can only be effective if the field strength of the pulsing electromagnetic signal is sufficiently powerful to penetrate deep enough inside the cells and bones to cause the desired effect. For this to happen the applied energy levels must be adequate, otherwise only a minimal and superficial effect will occur.

As you read the following, please understand that generally, the piezoelectric effect is bi-directional in the sense that:

  • If you apply pressure or bend a piezo electric device or material then it will generate or create small electrical currents.
  • If you apply an electrical current to a piezoelectric device then it will react.

In 1956 two Japanese scientists discovered the piezoelectric effect on bones. By mechanically bending a bone and measuring an electrical voltage between two electrodes attached to the bone, they found that electrical properties exist inside bones.

[su_quote]An example of the piezoelectric effect is the buzzer in your alarm clock or watch. Your clock contains a piezoelectric crystal with an electrical connection at both sides. When your clock reaches the preset wake-up time, an oscillating electrical voltage is applied to the crystal causing small mechanical movements and resulting in the sound you hear.[/su_quote]

When a pulsing magnetic field penetrates into a bone the opposite effect takes place. The pulsing magnetic effects cause tiny mechanical movements, resulting in small electrical currents inside the bones and cells. These micro currents are responsible for the beneficial effects occurring inside the body, and if the intensities of the pulsing magnetic fields are too low to adequately penetrate deep inside the body, no effect will take place!

There are some laws you can’t break!

Most, perhaps all the laws of physics cannot be broken. The inverse square law is one of those laws that you can’t break. High intensity is an absolute requirement for adequate penetration and effect. Many of the other PEMF systems with intensity levels below perhaps 10 G may provide a placebo effect for the human but their cells won’t know.

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