
Curatron 2000 XP with Full Mattress

Interesting day here at Amjo. We just took an order for a Curatron 2000 XP from a woman suffering from osteoporosis and is seeking help. She happened to be reading Acupuncture Today Magazine and came across an article in the November issue entitled “Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem New Bones” written by David Rindge, DOM, LAc, RN where he’s discussing the treatment of an 88-year-old woman with what he called bioelectromagnetic therapy. We call it PEMF or Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy.


David Rindge calls the patient Joan and reports

“By January 2008, approximately 3 months after beginning bioelectromagnetic and laser treatment, Joan’s bone density had increased by 0.5 percent at L1-L4, the area of severe osteoporosis. By December 2009, she had gained another 8.8 percent bone density in her lumbar spine, It is important to understand that individuals with severe osteoporosis typically experience frequent, intermittent back pain due to “compression” fractures that can occur spontaneously in weakened bone. Joan seldom has pain these days and has reported better overall health, energy, and ability to exercise.”

You can read the entire article at

Our customer had come across this article and emailed David Rindge at the magazine and learned that Joan had been using the Curatron 2000 XP which is our most popular unit and the one we recommend to people with Osteoporosis.

We do have a letter at our website from Dr. James Corzine in Christopher, IL talking about his success with osteoporosis. You can find that letter at Corzine

To learn more about the Curatron 2000 System – Please visit our website at

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