I came across a post  by Ben Philipson, the developer of the Curatron 2000 System. Ben has extensive experience in this field and has been very helpful in teaching me about Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy.

What Ben Philipson says is:

“I am often asked “Can I use a PEMF device if I have a pacemaker or implant?”

The answer to this question is not straight forward and here follows some information about electromagnetic and static magnetic disturbance signals.

Many different frequencies and intensities are used in such devices, thus these warnings are in place because the resulting inducted intensities and frequencies are simply unpredictable.

PEMF devices powered by batteries, like bone growth stimulators, generate electromagnetic pulses (PEMF) with very limited energy levels. The energy generated during the pulsing time depends on the pulse width (= pulse duration) and pulse amplitude (like the volume on your radio) which form the amount of energy emitted during the pulse duration time.

Many makers of PEMF devices in their manuals, write that active implanted devices are contraindicated for use with pacemakers etc.

My feelings on this are similar to those of Ben but I live in a country with many lawyers and litigators who would work till they died trying to prove that something we sold killed their patient. So let me be clear, I agree with Ben that I might use a Curatron 2000 system on my leg if I had an electronic implant in my chest BUT I WILL NOT AND CANNOT RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO THE SAME. This is a discussion that you should have with your doctor!

See the post regarding contraindications 


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