The Ultra-Power Curatron 3-D system offers the highest PEMF power in combination with a 3-dimensional 50 milli Tesla high power full body mattress. The pulsed electromagnetic field completely envelopes and penetrates the whole body in all 3 axes (length, width and height). This system has been designed primarily for clinical applications where instant results are crucial to both therapist and patient.

Remarkable as it may seem the folks at Curatronic have introduced a new Curatron 2000 3D or “Ultra Power” system with unparalleled capability. While our competitors languish with magnetic flux densities of a fraction of a mT (milli Tesla) we are now offering systems with flux densities, with an optional “Butterfly Coil” as high at 1600 Gauss. Yes! I said 1600 Gauss or 160 mT.

This new system arrives at your door like a sheep in wolf’s clothing. The 3D looks like all the other Curatron 2000 Systems except perhaps when you take a peak at the rear panel. There you will see a USB connection to connect to your Windows PC running XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 and one also sees dual output sockets to connect to two of 250 Gauss Mattresses or a single 500 Gauss Mattress (Again I said FIVE HUNDRED GAUSS or 50 mT)

3-D Electromagnetic Field

The unique 3-D Mattresses such as the 500 Gauss mattress or the dual 250 Gauss setup provide virtually instantaneous pain relief. The user’s body is instantly and completely “bathed” completely inside and out by these very strong pulsed electromagnetic fields. The 3-D ultra-power Curatron system is absolutely superior for virtually instantaneous pain relief and treatment of e.g. arthritis, osteoporosis and Fibromyalgia.

Think of it as being totally and completely immersed in the pulsed electromagnetic field or PEMF.

The 3-D mattress generates 50 milli Tesla (500 Gauss) simultaneously over the complete mattress. This guarantees the highest possible absolute penetration through all tissue, cells and bones deep inside the body, because this strong PEMF field is still very powerful 20 inches (50 cm) above the complete mattress area and even beyond!

A very effective 3-D whole body treatment is assured and patients have no problem relaxing completely on the 3-D mattress.

There are two versions of the system:

System A consists of:

  • One Ultra-Power 3-D Curatron PC System Control Unit
  • One 3-D mattress (50 milli Tesla = 500 Gauss)

System B consists of:

  • Ultra-Power 3-D Curatron PC System Control Unit
  • Two high power mattresses (each 25 milli Tesla = 250 Gauss)

The Ultra-Power Curatron PC Control Unit has 2 outputs for easy connection of 2 applicators working at the same time. Besides the aforementioned applicators also other combinations of professional applicators can be used with the Ultra-Power 3-D Curatron PC system.

If you own a Curatron 2000 XP or Curatron 2000 PC now, all of your existing applicators will work with the Curatron 2000 3D Ultra Power Control Unit. In fact, the 3-D Control Unit will drive any two of your existing applicators from your XP or PC simultaneously.

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