Frequency Adaptation

Frequency Adaptation is a problem with many PEMF systems. The Curatron 2000 family avoids this problem. So perhaps you’re wondering what frequency adaptation is? Simply put, our cells adapt to a particular frequency and then begin to de-sensitize themselves to that frequency and tune it out. Our ears do much the same thing. If you walk into a room and hear a particular sound, after a period of time, we tune it out and become accustomed to that sound. We ‘adapt’ to that sound.

pemf school frequency adaptationCuratron 2000 systems are uniquely programmed to change frequency every five minutes so that our cells need to change and adapt to a new frequency. This process assures that our cells do not tune-out the PEMF signal from the control unit. We ‘surprise’ the cells with a new frequency between one and fifty Hertz (cycles per second) at five-minute intervals.

Learn more about frequency HERE

What about DETOX?

There is a second, less obvious advantage to changing frequency and that simply put applies to toxins in our body and the remarkable detoxification effect that high-intensity PEMF has. We believe that each toxin does indeed react to a different frequency and therefore by changing frequencies, we impact different toxins.

Whispering and Shouting

Some cells are more sensitive than others that are perhaps more stubborn. We also change intensity from time to time to wake up those stubborn cells. Sometimes a whisper is simply not enough. For the most part, the Curatron programs shout to have an effective therapeutic dosage. One analogy is that if you think of a brick resting on a table and you want to press on it to make it slide or move. If you need to press with let’s say two pounds of force to make it move then nothing happens until you press with two pounds of force or more. If you whisper then the brick does not move. This is one of the reasons that intensity is so important. You must provide an adequate amount of energy to effect change. Low-intensity systems simply do not stack up against the Curatron.

Other relevant pages.

Please take the time to check out the intensity/power of other systems. Many are below 10 Gauss and simply do not provide adequate power to cause our cells to react. Intensity is the single most important parameter. Some sellers say that high intensity is dangerous. What’s really dangerous are people who say such things and if you believe them, then all the more fool you. One needs high intensity to get adequate penetration. In the world of physics, the worst enemy of intensity is what is called the ‘inverse square law’ and in simple terms, this simply means that as you double the distance, you quarter the intensity. So if one measures 100 Gauss at 1″ then at 2″ we are now already at 25 Gauss and at 4″ we are down to less than 7 Gauss. The BEMER and the IMRS systems and many others start at less than 10 Gauss so the energy at arbitrarily 4″ away is perhaps less than 0.1 Gauss.

OH YEAH, I nearly forgot!
Don’t forget to check if the competitor’s system changes frequency to prevent adaptation!

Learning to Adapt