by Chris Cane | Jul 3, 2016 | PEMF, Products
I have always disliked MLM (Multi Level Marketing) companies and now I have one more reason to dislike them. I was astounded on May 3rd, that BEMER’s distributor policy does not allow product returns. I learned this from a customer who attempted to cancel his...
by Chris Cane | Mar 23, 2016 | Author's Postings, Curatron, PEMF, Technical Information
We consider the Curatron to be a full PEMF system in that it genuinely generates magnetic pulses rather than RF pulses, The PMT120 and others generate probably what can be called an RF pulse similar to those generated by Marconi, Tesla and others demonstrating early...
by Chris Cane | Jan 10, 2016 | Author's Postings, Curatron, Medical Articles
Curatron Improves Bone Density Case Study: Curatron improves bone density! Daily treatment with the Curatron device makes bones stronger and decreases fracture risk! In January 2008, J.N., a trim, active older female, came into the Viera Diagnostic Center and was...
by Chris Cane | Jan 2, 2016 | Author's Postings, PEMF for Animals
It’s peculiar that perfectly picky persnickety, pooches prefer pooping in unexpected ways. Dogs preferred to excrete with the body being aligned along the North–South axis under calm magnetic field conditions. This directional behavior was abolished under...
by Chris Cane | Nov 4, 2015 | Medical Articles, Technical Information
Every now and again as one wanders the interweb, one finds some interesting or perhaps educational stuff. I was wandering through some of my twitter followers (I’m @PEMFT on Twitter) I came across an interesting site created for a chiropractic center in...